Saturday, March 28, 2020

How To Avoid Common Fallacies With Free Online Chemistry Tutoring

How To Avoid Common Fallacies With Free Online Chemistry TutoringIf you are looking for free online chemistry tutoring, it is a good idea to avoid some common fallacies that are associated with such courses. Many people who try to pursue this kind of educational opportunity lose trust in the world of science and they get disillusioned when it becomes clear that nothing they learn from such programs will benefit them. I personally believe that online tutoring is a legitimate option that you should seriously consider if you have ever dreamed of entering the field of chemistry. In this article, I will go through some of the more common fallacies and pitfalls that can be associated with this type of learning experience.It is easy to convince yourself that because there is no fee attached to any online chemistry tutoring course, you can simply put up with whatever you are taught. This is usually the case when many people sign up for such online courses, but there is something about this p articular online program that is not at all good. There are many ingredients that you should be aware of before you even consider signing up for this type of program.One thing that you should never do is believe that just because you have signed up for an online chemistry tutor, you are assured of quality education. These programs are all meant to encourage you to take a quick plunge into chemistry and if you know anything about chemistry, you know that chemical reactions are long and boring and will most probably not lead to anything exciting in the long run.Another thing that you should always be wary of is the fact that when you sign up for free online chemistry tutoring, you will never have the chance to look into the credentials of the tutors who will be teaching your class. You should also be wary of the fact that there are so many of these programs on the web and not all of them have been vetted properly.If you are truly keen on pursuing this type of learning process, it is i mportant to ensure that you get a legit teacher who has actually gained certain training courses. You should be extra cautious about the chemistry tutors that you get from the Internet because you are never quite sure how credible they really are and if they can really help you advance in your career.When you sign up for online chemistry tutoring, always bear in mind that there is always the risk that the program that you are enrolled in is not entirely legitimate. Be sure to make a wise decision because you do not want to end up wasting your money by doing something that is really not worth it. Make sure that you research the online chemistry programs that you are considering so that you can make the best possible choice.This may sound a bit complicated, but there is nothing wrong with paying a little bit of attention to the online chemistry tutoring that you find. Make sure that you are totally sure about the authenticity of the website and the author who has been giving you the a dvice that you are looking for. Otherwise, you could end up in a predicament where you would be buying fake material or risking losing out on the big things that you could have achieved if you were lucky enough to find a legit chemistry tutor.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Westridge Preparatory Academy

Westridge Preparatory Academy Westridge Preparatory Academy Westridge Preparatory Academy isa government licensed, high-end private bilingual kindergarten focuses on both STEAM education and traditional Chinese core values and nurtures children to grow into responsible, considerate and contributing members of society. Westridge Preparatory Academy provides academic excellence and a fun/secure environment for children to grow and develop physically and mentally; Under leaderships with more than 20 years in Early Childhood Education, Westridge strives to create excellence and aim high in every aspect of education. Approximately 60 percent of the curriculum is taught in English and the remaining 40 percent is communicated in Mandarin. The kindergarten is approximately 60000 square feet in size with a total of 13 classrooms, a cafeteria, a full sized library, a dedicated STEAM classroom, an art/crafts room, a music rooms, full size indoor gym, an indoor playground, a full size outdoor playground and agricultural zone. The school currently has 30 staff members. Each classroom is equipped with one foreign and one mandarin speaking teacher along with one assistance for a total of 15-18 students per class. Westridge has partnered with multipleforeign educational institutes ie. Harvard University, Berkeley Universtiy, etc...and educational consultants from both Top Chinese and American Universities. As an educational institute under the Franklin Education Group Ltd. located in Singapore, whoseacademic realm includes school, tutoring center, research and development of educational equipments and books, etc..., Westridge strives to provide teacherswith the most meaningful and fruitfulteaching experience and learning environment, andplethora of opportunities within the field.

Five Fast Mental Multiplication Methods

Five Fast Mental Multiplication Methods Fast mental multiplication methods enable you to check whether the cashier asks for the right amount during checkout. Anyone taking the SAT test is short on time. Being able to multiply fast mentally allows you to answer more questions, thus score higher and get accepted in that Ivy League college you’re dreaming about. Many people are outright terrified having to do math in their head. They need to reach for the calculator. Surprisingly and thankfully, there exists a number of fast mental multiplication methods. In this article, TutorZ  presents 5 of them. Method #1  Multiplication by 4 Most people need to find the calculator first in order to multiply 58 by 4 which is 232.   But there is an easy way to compute the result in one’s head (although for some of you this technique might be obvious). Steps for method #1 Multiplication by 4 Step 1 Multiply the larger number by 2. Step 2 Double the result (or add the result to itself). Example:       58 x 4 Step 1 58 x 4 = (58 x 2) + (58 x 2) Step 2 (116) + (116) = 232 The result is 232. That wasn’t so hard, was it? Method #2 Multiplication by 5 Many people memorize the multiplication table for 5 with smaller numbers quite easily. For example; 5 x 1 = 5, 5 x 2 = 10, 5 x 3 = 15 and so on. But when dealing with large numbers, it gets complicated. Or do you know 2681  x 5 by heart?  If not, I suggest the following simple technique to multiply by 5. Steps for method #2 Multiplication by 5: Step 1 Take the larger number and divide it by 2 (in other words half it). Step 2 If the result of step 1 is a whole number (no trailing .5) append a 0. Step 3 If the result of step 1 is a fraction (that is .5 at the end) forget the fractional part. Instead append a 5 at the end of the result. First Example:    12 x 5 Step 1 12 / 2 = 6. Step 2 The result of step 1 is a whole number (6), so we append a zero  to the six. Step 3 Not applicable because no fraction is involved. The result is 60. Second Example:      2681  x 5 Step 1 2681 / 2 = 1340.5 Step 2 Not applicable because the result of step 1 is a fraction. Step 3 The result of step 1 is a fraction (1340.5), so we ditch the .5 in favor of the 5 at the end. The result is 13405.  Amazing! Method #3 Multiplication by 11 We all know that when multiplying by 10 you simply add 0 to the end of the number. But multiplying by 11 is not that simple. Or is it? These are 4 simple steps to multiply a two-digit number by 11. Step 1 Take the number other than 11 and imagine a space between two characters (in this example, we use the number 52). Step 2 Now in the space in the middle copy the numbers. Step 3 Add the inner two numbers. Step 4 Write the result of step 3 down in the middle. First Example:     52 x 11 Step 1 5_2 Step 2 5_5_2_2 Step 3 5_(5+2)_2 Step 4 5_(7)_2 The result is 572. Second Example:     99 x 11 If adding the numbers in parentheses obtained a two-digit number, as 18 is in this example, remember the second number and add one to the first number: Step 1 9_9 Step 2 9_9_9_9 Step 3 9_(9+9)_9 = 9_18_9 Step 4 (9+1)_8_9 =  10_8_9 The result is 1089. Method #4:  Multiplying by Itself (Squaring) This technique quickly squares a number that ends in 5. A number that ends in 1,2,3,4 or 6,7,8,9 does not apply to method #4. This is how it goes: Step 1 Take the first digit off of one of the numbers. Step 2 Add one to this first digit. Step 3 Multiply the result on the first digit, the same first digit as in step 1. Step 4 Append 25 at the end. Example:        25 x 25 Step 1 2 Step 2 2+1 = 3 Step 3 3 x 2 = 6 Step 4 6 append 25 = 625 The result is 625. For those who what to solve method 4 even quicker, note it can be written in a single line:   (2+1) x 2 append “25” = 625. Method #5:  Complex Multiplication Unless you’re the savant Daniel Tammet who effortlessly multiplies large numbers we need to use a calculator.   Fortunately, if one of the numbers is even, you can successively multiply one number by 2 and divide the other by 2 also. Example:        32 x 125 Step 1 16 x 250 is the same as Step 2 8 x 500 is the same as Step 3 4 x 1000  which you can now easily solve as  4000. Thus, the result is 4000. These five fast mental multiplication methods empower you to double check the amount you have to pay at the cash register, or if the situation is right to impress your math teacher, parent or even your boyfriend or girlfriend. Still having trouble getting these techinques? Then we recommend you to get in touch with one of TutorZ math whizz tutors to learn these or other five fast mental multiplication methods.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out to Hiring Managers

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out to Hiring Managers Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash Start out by brainstorming   You definitely do not want to have a resume that is several pages long just because you threw everything piece of experience you have under your belt onto paper. Its one way to lose the interest of hiring managers when they have to dig or close read your resume to find out if you are actually right for the job. You want to make sure your resume lists out what is necessary for the job position you are going for in order to make your resume stand out to hiring managers. If you are not quite sure on where to start out list out the positions you have held in the past. It may be time spent in a volunteer organization, a summer internship, or other part-time jobs. While your experience (or lack of) might make you feel reluctant to go after your desired job position, try to take any bit of experience and turn it into your advantage. An extensive amount of time as a part-time fast food worker may not seem like it has anything to do with the office job you are going after, but brainstorm different ways that your time as a fast food part-timer will help you fill the job position as needed. Think of the responsibilities you had and how you used your skills to accomplish and fill the role you needed to. Taking orders isnt the most attractive thing to put on your resume but turn those experience into other skills of communication, interpersonal skills, and so on. Make your resume stand out to hiring managers by making the most of your previous experience. Focus on what you have done rather than what you could do   You can spend plenty of space on your resume writing out skills that would help you qualify for the job position that hiring managers are looking to fill, but to truly make your resume stand out to hiring managers, focus on detailing what you have done in the past. Turning the focus on what you have done serves multiple functions. You will get to showcase your past experience by detailing what you have done in previous positions and will be able to back up any skills that your resume details when you have a statement of what you have done in previous positions. Instead of advertising your skills blindly, put down concrete proof of your accomplishments to back up whatever your resume advertises. If possible, quantify whatever accomplishments you can. List out the number of clients you brought to a previous company, quantify the number of sales you had in a specific amount of times. If you are able to put down numbers on your resume, you can help make your resume stand out to hiring managers as they can see proof of what you are capable of. By highlighting your accomplishments in your resume, you are showing hiring managers that you are capable of getting the work of the job position done instead of just writing you are capable of it. Include a cover letter Remember when teachers would make you include a front page on long reports or important essays? Their function was to give the first look at what the rest of the essay entailed and who it was by. The same idea should go for your resume. You want to make your resume stand out to hiring managers by giving them something that would catch their attention from a start include a cover letter. While you arent there to make the ultimate first impression to hiring managers, your cover letter could be. A cover letter is essentially an introduction to your resume and should effectively express your interest in the job you are applying for. Try not to overwhelm the cover letter with excessive bragging of your skills or experience you can do that in your resume! Make your resume stand out by tailoring the cover letter to the company you are applying for and do research. Figure out what the company stands for, what environment they make for their employees, and so on. Include these details in your cover letter by detailing how you can make the company better by being as specific to the company as possible instead of going the general route and saying you are a good worker. Attaching a perfected cover letter is a great way to make your resume stand out to hiring managers. Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash Tailor your resume to the job Make your resume stand out by making your stand out in a pool full of applicants. Yes, you will want to exceed in a set of skills in order to full a variety of positions but hiring managers will be looking for an applicant that can fit a specific position with a specific set of skills. Make sure that your resume is tailored to the position that you are applying for edit out experience that isnt particularly helpful to the position or add experience that would actually help you excel in the position. You may think that putting all the experience you have on your resume will help you make your resume stand out and help you secure your job, but it will just end up making your resume unnecessarily lengthy and make it even harder for a hiring manager to fish through your lengthy resume to find what actually pertains to the job they are hiring for. A hiring manager looking to fill a position for an office job wont want to read half a page detailing several summers spent babysitting neighborhood kids when it brings nothing spectacular to the position. While your resume may have worked for the last job position you applied for, it may not exactly work this specific job position. It may be the same job position/description as the last, but every company varies when it comes to their work environment, company values, and so on. The hiring manager is going to be hiring with their company in mind and its important to remember that when writing your resume for different job applications. Even if its just editing out a line or two, or including another piece of experience you normally wouldnt include try tailoring your resume to the specific job position/company you are applying for as much as possible. Rather than just selling yourself as an ideal employee for a number of jobs, you want to make your resume stand out to relay that you alone are the perfect fit for the specific position the hiring manager is looking for. Putting in the extra effort to make sure that your position reflects the amount of genuine interest you have in the job and be another factor in making your resume stand out to hiring managers. Infographic by Kaitlin Hurtado via Include a header A header will come in handy especially if you end up choosing not to include a cover letter. Maybe you didnt have enough time to type up the perfect letter if you stumble across a competitive position last minute. A header at the top of your resume will serve as a quick introduction to yourself and your capabilities by including personal information and a branding statement. An effective headline should include your name, address, and contact information (mailing address and telephone number). Along with your personal information, include a branding statement that advertises you and your capabilities in a short, yet effective statement. An effective header will help make your resume stand out to hiring managers when they know what you are bringing to the table at the first glance of your resume. Just as you would for a cover letter and resume, make sure your header is tailored to the specific job position you are applying for, if possible. Dont over customize your resume with fonts and colors When thinking of ways you can make your resume stand out to hiring managers, you may think a well-customized resume can do the job. You may want to use fancy fonts to make your resume more fancy or different colors to make different lines stand out among others, but you essentially will decrease your resumes readability to hiring managers. A cursive font on a restaurant menu may make its entrees seem more appetizing, but for hiring managers, a resume full of a cursive font can make them want to toss your resume if they are struggling to read it. Try going for a more simple font that is easy to read. The easier your resume is easier to read, the more focus and attention a hiring manager can apply to your actual accomplishments and capabilities. While its acceptable to change up whether or not something is italicized or in all caps, you want to make sure your resume is still clean in the sense that it is easy to read for hiring managers. Remember its your experience and skill set that is important to hiring managers, not how pretty you can make your resume. Always proofread or get a second opinion Once youve spent plenty of time working on perfecting your resume, the last thing you may want to do is to spend even more time scrutinizing it for any mistakes. However, you dont want to make all of your efforts to make your resume stand out fail just because of a few spelling errors or grammatical mistakes. Run through your resume and cover letter a few more times. Check for spelling. If you rearranged the order of your resume during your editing, make sure the flow of your resume is intact and that there arent repeats of certain lines or lines that are out of order. If you want to go one step further, ask a friend to review your resume and cover letter for you. Having a second pair of eyes that havent spent the same amount of time staring at your resume will ensure that even more possible mistakes are caught before they reach the eyes of the hiring manager. Asking a friend to review your resume will also help you get another opinion on your resume. Tell them about the company and position you are applying for and ask them if your resume will catch the attention of the companys hiring manager. Ask them what part of your resume works, or what part you still need to work on. Resumes can be the first thing that hiring managers can look at in the job application, so it is important to make your resume stand out to hiring managers. By editing your resume to the best of your ability, you will help your resume make a great first impression on hiring managers even if you are unable to do so.

How Do You Study Chemistry

How Do You Study ChemistryThe Chemistry Regents is part of the Physical Sciences Division in the College of Engineering. This is a very comprehensive unit. It requires students to use their critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities and creativity. This unit is meant to prepare them for their career in a high-demand chemical engineering field.If you have completed an undergraduate degree in Chemistry then this unit should be a breeze for you. You may have taken your first chemistry class at the end of your two-year or undergraduate course. Most of us do not complete our undergraduate chemistry program and need to get a refresher in chemistry. This refresher course can help you improve your work and pay better attention to your instructor and your assignment. But if you have not completed your graduate degree in chemistry, this refresher will help you more because it will help you think clearly.The Chemistry Regents helps you to understand the chemistry and learn how to apply it in your life. The unit is divided into three parts: laboratory concepts, lab techniques and lab science. The laboratory concepts help you in understanding the chemistry that you need to learn in order to prepare your thesis. This helps you learn basic concepts in chemistry and analyze your assignments. In lab techniques, you can practice chemistry using the laboratory environment.Finally, you will be required to make an analysis of your lab work. Here you will learn the lab techniques that will help you analyze your assignments and learn the latest in chemistry. This is a part of your chemistry program and will help you get ready for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). It also includes a review of the Materials Science curriculum to give you a better idea about the information that you need to know about your coursework. One major part of the unit will also include a discussion of software available for graphing and analyzing lab data.For those who have completed grad uate level coursework, there are different formats available to view the units. If you are enrolled in a course that you can download to a computer you will be able to view the units online. These units are usually on CD, DVD or some type of multimedia media. If you prefer to view the units online, you will have to download a module to your computer. There are many programs available to download.If you are attending a university or college where you cannot view the units due to copyright reasons or other reasons, then you can always go to the library and get some free units. You should not download from your personal computer though as it could damage your computer.So for you, if you wish to study Chemistry at university or college, the best Chemistry Regents is the ones that have been adapted by a university or college for use in a chemistry course. This is the unit that is available for use in most chemistry courses. The term Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior are used to deno te these units. You will be able to view these units online if you are enrolled in a chemistry course.

The Organic Chemistry Tutor and a Tangent Function

The Organic Chemistry Tutor and a Tangent FunctionIf you are on YouTube or one of the many other sites that cater to scientific, educational or entertainment purposes, you might have seen a tangent function on a chemistry tutor. Simply put, this is a way for the tutor to put an emphasis on some of the points you have made. Whether you are reviewing some possible ways to solve a problem, asking questions about the concept behind a given concept, or trying to determine if a concept makes sense or is based on current knowledge, a tangent function can help.What might seem like a straightforward way to improve your ability to analyze or understand an issue may be used by someone who has no training in this field. In a good manner, they might break through some of the concepts you need to understand to evaluate what information you've provided to them. In an immature and uninformed manner, you might get several questions and answers, only to find out you don't know what you are talking abo ut, or you might even think that this person is trying to challenge your knowledge, rather than helping you better understand a topic.This is why it is important to become familiar with the organic chemistry tutor. One reason why a tangent function is a useful teaching tool is because it can be used to clarify and review ideas. However, more importantly, it can be used to draw out just what you were trying to convey. In the event that you should run into a situation where you are confused about something, it can help you keep from letting an encounter go sour.For example, let's say you get a question that could be: 'I am having a hard time understanding how the entire chemical reactions go when one element comes in contact with another. Is there a way for me to know what the average duration of the reactions are?'How would you answer this question if you had no idea how to answer the questions, or you are new to chemistry, or perhaps you are an old chemist? The quick and easy answer to this question might be that you will begin with the least known or most complicated ones first, which could make you look silly or inefficient if you begin in a hurry. And that's not to mention that this method would certainly not give you any answers at all, let alone answers that would actually be good to you, since you might not have the most recent understanding.A simple example of this is that you might get a question where you need to review synthetic information. These are products of chemistry that are created from chemicals. There are many resources online that provide information about these products, but because they are chemical compounds, they are easy to misunderstand.With this in mind, a tangent function can serve as a useful teaching tool for organic chemistry tutors or other professionals who need to examine something more than just the basic concepts. A tangent function can certainly help you in figuring out just what it is you are trying to remember, and if yo u fail to provide the information in an appropriate fashion, it can actually make the situation worse.

Advantages Of Taking Your Child To Private Tutoring Manchester

Advantages Of Taking Your Child To Private Tutoring ManchesterOne of the best things about taking your child to private tutoring Manchester is the opportunity to see him or her to interact with other children in the class. They can also interact with the teacher and the tutors. Plus they get to learn important lessons about learning from others that they won't learn at school. However, the most important lesson that is learned when you attend private tutoring Manchester is that your child has reached his or her full potential.There are many advantages to private tutoring Manchester that can make it a great place for your child to be. For example, some children are just shy and have trouble talking to other children. Then there are those who are very eager to talk to others and have a natural inclination to socialize. However, when your child has private tutoring Manchester the advantage is that he will be able to talk with just about anyone and have his interaction with the other chi ldren be extremely beneficial. This is a great thing, as many children who may not be as outgoing or have any inclination to socialize could be devastated if they feel excluded or left out of the group.Another advantage to this is that it is a great way to let your child show him or herself to other parents. Most parents want to know that their children have developed their speaking skills or are working hard at trying to improve it. However, if they do see your child working at something that is pleasing to the eye or doing something they enjoyed, then the parents will also get a positive image of the child. By letting the parents to see how well your child is doing in school, you may also be improving your child's performance on the testing part of the Common Entrance Exam.Private tutoring Manchester can also benefit your child by making sure that he or she has plenty of time for himself or herself. If your child has homework and reading time at home, they may find that their day with the tutors can be much more enjoyable. They will have their own time to keep from feeling that they have to be a good student by following all the rules and by performing at all times.Finally, private tutoring Manchester provides your child with the freedom to participate in something that they want and they get to learn all the things that they want. They get to enjoy what they are learning and develop personal interests that they would never have with a normal classroom education. In addition, many families make the decision to send their children to private tutoring Manchester because of the challenge that the children face.For the parents, being able to enroll their child in private tutoring Manchester is a great way to let them spend more time with their children. There are numerous advantages to doing this. The first of which is that your child gets to meet new people, find friends, and develops strong relationships with them that they would not have had if they were atte nding regular school.Finally, if you think that private tutoring Manchester is not right for your child, you should know that you can always send him or her to the Manchester Metropolitan College, another school in Manchester, or your local Catholic school. That is completely up to you and what is best for your child.